Thursday, January 1, 2009


My first day of 2009:

Woke up really sweaty. Why was I so sweaty? Eew.

Got breakfast with Drew. We drove around Boulder with no real destination and listened to Portuguese music and I'm pretty sure I saw a parrot sitting on a telephone wire. We agreed this was an auspicious sighting. 

Watched The Office (the British one) and fell asleep on the couch for two hours. I awoke to Ricky Gervais playing the guitar and singing "free love on the free love freeway." I love that man to the ends of the earth.

Talked to Amber on the phone for a really long time. She got kicked out of a dive bar in Marquette last night because her friend brought in his own beer. Apparently this is unacceptable? 

Took a shower and discovered I have a big bruise on my arm from one of Drew's Vulcan nerve pinches, which were being bandied about last night as freely as the sexual harassment and the champagne.

Went to the bookstore. Whoops! How do I always end up here?

Talked to Gabe on the phone. Plans plans plans! Also, his dad is trying to set him up with a 19-year-old. To this I replied, "Well 19 ain't 17," and realized that maybe my morals are slipping.

Got burritos with Emmy and Heather and then snuck them into the movie theatre. I got so much rice in my hair and my scarf trying to stealthily eat that burrito in the dark. We saw Milk. I cried and cried and cried. I love seeing movies with Emmy, because whenever there's a really amazing shot (of which there are many in Milk), we just look at each other and do this kind of excited thumbs-up thing. We also did that whenever James Franco was onscreen. Also, I covet the glasses Emile Hirsch wears in the movie. Go see it.

Invented some new emoticons via text with Sara. For example, :| (passive aggressive) and :{ (mustache).

Spent way too much time here looking for fabrics for my next project. 

Ate some chocolate mousse and watched Wristcutters. Fawned over Patrick Fugit.

Finished Gob's Grief.

Aaaaand...that brings us to now. Et voila, the first day of 2009. I did not make any resolutions (except for these). I've never really bought into the blank slate thing. Carte blanche my ass. However, I am excited for this year. Crafting and writing and Tim and Eric and road trip and Eye Spit: Denver's Worst Photographic Society and moving and MOVING and May and music and books and friends. Yes, please.


Amber said...

Thanks for making me look classy, baby snake.

Sounds like a great day. We will have many of those this year, me thinks.

Anonymous said...

i'm hurt i wasn't in your first day of the new year. i guess that's why i was forced to read shitty teenage romance novels about vampires.

Anonymous said...

hey man, i'm drunk. i can't be held accountable for not being able to read my own name.

Anonymous said...

MILK was so fantastic. Loved it! I applied to Columbia, where I won't get in to, but guess who goes there... JAMES BABEFACE FRANCO.

I really want to see Wristcutters. I also fawn over Patrick Fugit as a general rule. My fav movie in high school was Almost Famous, one big reason being my belief that I would marry William Miller.

Where are you moving??

Sarah O said...

Amber: We should probably focus on some large-scale modgepodging this year.

Sara: Also, I can kill you with my brain. Gallant!

Kate: I had no idea Babeface goes to Columbia! Columbia just made my list of Grad Schools I'm Applying to When I Get Unlazy. Milk would have been an amazing movie even if ugly naked mole rats were the main actors, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't audibly squee in the theater over JF. Also, Wristcutters is currently on demand, if you have on demand. Also, I have the short story collection it was based on, if you're interested. And, I'm moving to Seattle. Perchance. Once I get a job and money.