Friday, May 8, 2009


This came in the mail today:

My darling Emmalynn bought it for me for my birthday. It's sitting on my windowsill. The lilacs are in full bloom in my yard. It's May! Happy happy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

birdday wish list

I totally have my birdday outfit all planned out for tomorrow, replete with springy colors:

{dress from Joules}

{cardigan from marc jacobs}

{shoes from MaraisUSA}

Perfect, right? I'm all set for my birthday! Of course, I don't actually *own* any of these things. Nor can I afford them. Le sigh. I wish I were one of those people with "money." Miss you, money. Hope you're enjoying your new home, wherever that may be. My grandpa gave me some money this weekend, but I immediately spent it on Polaroid film on Ebay. And my mum said she'd put some money towards the purchase of a cheapo Diana or Holga, because I want one for the summer. So I guess I know where your new home is, money. Your new home is on Ebay. I hope Ebay is treating you well, money.

may is my very favorite month

{July 1958. My father is in the middle}


When the red mountains rise
over the sun and dry air fills 
with stars, the white specters
spread out on the sidewalk
while we cactus kids chase.
Our feet crunch grass and laughter soaks
in the hot cotton air. We spin and dodge
together in the dark, but always

slow down, always let someone tag us,
freeze us. Everything but our hearts 
and breath stop, and we think of how
desert and ocean are then same,
cactus kids floating in both.