Monday, January 5, 2009

Sarah: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

Yambear is making a zine, and over the past couple of weeks we've been trying to come up with a tagline for her. Also, because I bugged Amber till she said yes, I might be contributing to the zine, perhaps with an advice column à la Nicole Georges (because I am a font of wisdom, maturity, and responsibility). So I selfishly want a tagline too. I feel very strongly that if I have a kickass tagline I will be able to paint the tabula rasa of this year all kinds of crazy cool. Yambear and I discussed it, but nothing has really stuck. "Sarah: maybe a vampire?" and "Sarah: hates your eyebrows" were mentioned, but they're both a bit too hostile for my tastes.

Sarah: In space no one can hear you scream.
Sarah: Love means never having to say you're sorry.
Sarah: The truth is out there.

But for reals, people. Any suggestions? I need outside advice. I enjoy Luke's at TBTL: "Luke Burbank never met a Band of Horses song, soft taco, or poker game he didn't want to be a part of." I think if I were to appropriate this for myself, it would be "Sarah never met a Wolf Parade off-shoot band, green chile tamale, or outdated board game she didn't want to be a part of." Except maybe replace "outdated board game" with "MMORPG." Just kidding! But I would feel bad just brazenly stealing someone else's tagline. I'm over my plagiarism phase. That's so 2006 (sorry Trinie Dalton and Shelley Jackson! I mimicked the hell out of you).

Also, I've been thinking: If I had to live inside an album cover from 2008, which one would I pick? I mean actually live there, like if I was somehow zapped and transported into the artwork. Like when cartoon characters turn a corner and find themselves in Dalí's The Persistence of Memory and freak out. I think I would live in M83's Saturdays = Youth, just because the light is so nice and the teenagers so willowy, and then I could borrow those skeleton pajamas and the wolf hat and talk about records with that Molly Ringwald clone. Or maybe David Byrne and Brian Eno's Everything That Happens Will Happen Today because holy cow it's The Sims! Living in this album cover may be a blinding pixelated hell, or it may be awesome. I'm predisposed to think it'd be awesome. Or maybe I'd just hang out in the Fleet Foxes cover because, you know, I wouldn't get bored. And I'd be medieval.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


My first day of 2009:

Woke up really sweaty. Why was I so sweaty? Eew.

Got breakfast with Drew. We drove around Boulder with no real destination and listened to Portuguese music and I'm pretty sure I saw a parrot sitting on a telephone wire. We agreed this was an auspicious sighting. 

Watched The Office (the British one) and fell asleep on the couch for two hours. I awoke to Ricky Gervais playing the guitar and singing "free love on the free love freeway." I love that man to the ends of the earth.

Talked to Amber on the phone for a really long time. She got kicked out of a dive bar in Marquette last night because her friend brought in his own beer. Apparently this is unacceptable? 

Took a shower and discovered I have a big bruise on my arm from one of Drew's Vulcan nerve pinches, which were being bandied about last night as freely as the sexual harassment and the champagne.

Went to the bookstore. Whoops! How do I always end up here?

Talked to Gabe on the phone. Plans plans plans! Also, his dad is trying to set him up with a 19-year-old. To this I replied, "Well 19 ain't 17," and realized that maybe my morals are slipping.

Got burritos with Emmy and Heather and then snuck them into the movie theatre. I got so much rice in my hair and my scarf trying to stealthily eat that burrito in the dark. We saw Milk. I cried and cried and cried. I love seeing movies with Emmy, because whenever there's a really amazing shot (of which there are many in Milk), we just look at each other and do this kind of excited thumbs-up thing. We also did that whenever James Franco was onscreen. Also, I covet the glasses Emile Hirsch wears in the movie. Go see it.

Invented some new emoticons via text with Sara. For example, :| (passive aggressive) and :{ (mustache).

Spent way too much time here looking for fabrics for my next project. 

Ate some chocolate mousse and watched Wristcutters. Fawned over Patrick Fugit.

Finished Gob's Grief.

Aaaaand...that brings us to now. Et voila, the first day of 2009. I did not make any resolutions (except for these). I've never really bought into the blank slate thing. Carte blanche my ass. However, I am excited for this year. Crafting and writing and Tim and Eric and road trip and Eye Spit: Denver's Worst Photographic Society and moving and MOVING and May and music and books and friends. Yes, please.