Sunday, November 16, 2008



As she burned, immolated inside Sputnik II, 
Laika barked out warnings to the dogs 
tied up in snowy fields below
whose owners loved furniture more, 
and the dogs raised muzzles to the stars 
with nothing to keep them company 
but the moon overhead and their own long howling.

I'm reading Sputnik Sweetheart, and it reminded me of my ol' friend Laika. I've always thought Roxie looks a bit like Laika. Well, I guess more like the dog who is Laika in that one video. On a side note, I hope the Obamas rescue a shelter dog.


Anonymous said...

do tell what you think of that book when you're through with it--I read it backpacking in California last May and still can't quite get a handle on it. I still think nothing can touch Wind-Up Bird Chronicle or Norwegian Wood.

And you are aware that Roxie is capable of interstellar travel without man-made technological devices, right?

Anonymous said...

you know--since she's kind of like falcor. and everything.

Amber said...

I'm at your house right now. Duuuude.