Saturday, April 18, 2009


Bonjour, mes amis. Just so you know, I'm going to be contributing to this wonderful new bloggie, OURHYPE. Le blog 'twas beautifully brewed up by the ever-talented Gabe and Will. Go check it out. 

Now, what does this mean for the fate of this lil' bloggie, you ask? Not much. I'm still going to post about books and dogs and embroidery and needlefelting bunnies over here, but will also be posting about other things at OH. So if my silence seems longer than usual, this is most likely because I'm in more of a digital-as-in-music-and-design state of mind, rather than
 digital-as-in-using-your-fingers-to-embroider-constellations. So you can find me there.

Also, if you'd like to contribute, or have any ideas for posts, lemme know ( I believe Nichole and I are the only girls at the moment, and we can always use more ladies. Ladies!

In other news, Eye Spit has been on hiatus for a while, due to the fact that Drew has a real job, and we're both going to be out of town for the next couple of Fridays. Also, we don't have a web site yet. But we will! And we'll be cooking up ideas for the future of Denver's Worst Photographic Society. Again, lemme know your ideas. More in the future. Love love.