Wednesday, September 16, 2009

benedict arnold, i'm moving

Hi guys. I don't know how to say this, but...From now on, GO HERE.

I'm moving to tumblr. Blogger has been so good to me. But it's time for a change. You can find me at

I will be keeping this little bloggie up, since all my links and stuff are here. And I may still post stuff here. Not sure.

Adieu for now, Blogger.

Monday, September 14, 2009

look at these fucking archaeologists

Bwahahaha! From LATFH via Max Silvestri:

Look At These Fucking Archaeologists

Apparently Williamsburg fashion circa 2009 comes straight out of the Badlands circa Jurassic Park. Note the sunglasses, plaids, high-waisted denim jeans, messenger bag, and the mullet haircut on the dude in the back. Even the guy working the dino ultrasound is sporting one of those Gestapo-style buzzed-on-the-side-parted-on-the-top haircuts that tall hipsters in my neighborhood like wearing.

you do not always know what I am feeling

There was a long period of my life when I idolized Frank O'Hara, but I haven't really thought about him in a long time. This morning I woke up super early and couldn't fall back asleep, and as I was in bed watching the early sunlight through my window, his poem "For Grace, After a Party" (which is probably my favorite poem and which I've posted here before) popped into my head. The opening line just kept running through my head, over and over: "You do not always know what I am feeling. You do not always know what I am feeling. You do not always know what I am feeling."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

more gimme gimmes

This necklace from vadjutka is soooo pretty. There are other autumn-y ones I love too but this one is super twee.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Someone employ me quickly so I can buy the hell out of these dresses from Built By Wendy's fall collection:

I could never actually afford them, but the Internet is like my special fantasy land where I'm allowed to look at dresses like these and dream. And I'm always impeccably dressed and coiffed and sitting on some velvet sofa in France playing the violin, instead of reality, where I'm contemplating Taco Bell and haven't done laundry since I got back from California. Whoops. Domesticity Fail.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

heart california heart dogs

I have hundreds maybe thousands maybe zillions of photos from this summer and I'm soooo lazy that I can't even post them on my entirely defunct flickr account.

This weekend is the festival in Pagosa, which is always my end-of-summer marker. Strange. Flying into LAX earlier this week I saw the giant smoke cloud from the wildfires out there. It looked like a big piece of cauliflower hanging over the city. Amber moved to Portland, which is horribly sadface.

Missing many people at the moment. The kind of missing that hurts. Telepathic hugs and kisses to all.